Kick off meeting & Unholy Club

You want to join the Queer Pride 2024 Orga?
You have your own ideas or just want to organize nice events with lefty queers in Dresden?

For you is the kick-off meeting on 06.10. 6pm at AZ Conni!
Newbies and all others welcome <3

Right afterwards starts our sweet Unholy Club!

On your first day at gay school Unholy Club welcomes you with open arms and a vibrant schedule.
First you better not miss the Queer Pride newbie meeting. If you are just curious or would like to join the collective of Queer Pride, you are warmly invite to come! Afterwards, the bar doors open, and you can grab a plate for dinner. Like in the cafeteria, but it is better!

Three surprise performances will gay you up and make the night unforgettable!
Feel free to come dressed accordingly and hangout, dance, or mingle in the cue for the next drink. But be on time and sharpen your pencils!

Unholy Club will make all your queer sparks shine even brighter!