Speech anti*-Vernetzung

Enough is enough! Every day trans* and non-binary people are oppressed. Every day we are threatened, time after time we are denied our identitys!

The government presents the long-promised Self-Determination-Act as great progress.

But in reality it fails to make us more visible and safe in society.

It is not only the constant delay of the law that makes us angry. No, what bothers us most is how time after time promises are broken. Step by step the freedoms and basic rights promised to us are stripped away until hardly anything is better than before. Where is the compensation for forced sterilizations? Where is the recognition of injustice? Where is the right to good health care?

Trans* and non-binary people have a right to real self-determination. It cannot be that the state wants to continue to rule over us and our bodies with a so-called “self-determination law”.

We want to be able to decide for ourselves, without bureaucratic barriers, what is written on our papers. We want to have a say in which sports team we play on. We demand the right to say for ourselves which treatments we want to use in order to feel comfortable in our bodies.

It is not trans* people who are dangerous, but those who deny our existence and want to oppress us. This is especially evident in the US, where over 500 anti-trans* bills have already been initiated this year alone. The laws that have already been passed are already doing a lot of damage. People who don’t fit into the gender binary are systematically oppressed, excluded and marginalised. This is happening in schools, in public spaces and also in medical care.

For years we have seen a drastic increase in hatred towards trans* and non-binary people. And we are not safe as long as trans* and non-binary people are persecuted, violated and murdered in the streets.

Queer events like CSDs or Queer Pride should be a safe space for us. Instead, we have to be afraid of being attacked every time.

So let’s fight today not only for visibility, but also for solidarity and recognition. Let’s build a liberated society. For a future beyond enforced binaries and violence against everyone deemed “different” or “strange”.

We stand together today as a queer community. Whether agender, trans, inter – we march together with all of you as queers, in solidarity and diversity!

Show your solidarity with all trans* and non-binary people also on 14.7. That is the international non-binary day. We as a network will have a rally again at Jorge Gomondai Square, come and join us!

The struggle continues – today, tomorrow and until we get the visibility and safety we deserve! Until no one is dispossessed and hated any more. Because we have had enough of this system!

For real self-determination.
For the freedom of trans* and non-binary people!
For the right to live as who we are!