QR61 Spaceship – Takeoff @ 12.05.

🚀 QR61 Spaceship – our contribution to the IDAHIT week of Gerede e.V. 🚀 QR61 Spaceship is a queerfeminist audio installation combined with a panel discussion on the topic of visibility & anonymity as a queer person in the city or in the countryside. How important are queer spaces and how do we build them? QR61 Spaceship – Takeoff @ 12.05.

Self Determination Act – Hooray!?

The Self-Determination Act was passed in the Bundestag today. After decades of activist struggle and legal efforts, this represents a major milestone in the fight for queer rights in Germany. However, we can only cheer for this decision with restraint. The path to gender self-determination is still fraught with hurdles and barriers, overwatched by suspicous Self Determination Act – Hooray!?

For the anti-anti-feminist action! – our speech for the 8th of March

Dear feminists, dear friends, dear comrades, dear compassionates! Today we celebrate. We celebrate the 8th of March in general and at this demonstration, we especially celebrate feminist achievements. Hard-won achievements. But next to that, according to the amazing call by the e*vibes collective, we also want to focus on defending. On defending those achievements against For the anti-anti-feminist action! – our speech for the 8th of March

Queer Pride 2024 – save the date!


Our next Pride will be on 22nd of June! Did you save the date already? If not, here’s our beautiful sharepic as a reminder and a way to spread the word around!😘

Kick off meeting & Unholy Club

You want to join the Queer Pride 2024 Orga?You have your own ideas or just want to organize nice events with lefty queers in Dresden? For you is the kick-off meeting on 06.10. 6pm at AZ Conni!Newbies and all others welcome <3 Right afterwards starts our sweet Unholy Club! On your first day at gay Kick off meeting & Unholy Club